of the standards on the ISTE page all work together. Parents just need to be
aware of what children are looking at. Schools already have these websites
blocked so it should not be as big of a problem there. Parents also need to
create and lock privacy settings so that their children do not accidentally go
to a sketchy website. Children can type in something as simple as the white
house when doing research and if they use .com or .org wrong they get a
compromising website. Children use creativity and innovation with social
networking in many ways. A lot of classes have students create original works
as a means of personal or group expression. Sometimes they use it to
collaborate and learn about projects they are doing in class. They can use a
program like the wiki and create a group project where they can all add their
content to it. They can also talk to each other or message each other using
facebook. Not only are they creating original works of expressions, but they
are also contributing to project teams to produce original works to solve
do need to learn and understand technology systems, if not by their parents
then at school so that they understand the risks that go with using the
technology. That way they can use the technology in a safe, legal, and responsible
way. When students understand the risks they can exhibit a positive attitude
toward using the technology. I believe that most of the time if they are
equipped with the knowledge they will be able to try and protect themselves
from compromising websites and predators.
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