Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapter 9

            Chapter nine is all about contract laws and protecting the school system and students. Laying out the rules for using technology in the school system.
            This chapter talks about how if you use a contract in the school system it can be changed to fit certain situations. I find this kind of a touchy situation. If you say no cell phones in school then mean no cell phones in school. If you have a parent who is overseas or in jail they can call the school and ask for the student to come to the phone. More often than not the cell phones are being used to text friends or to play games when you are bored. I would have totally been the student playing a game because I was bored. When I was in school you would get in trouble if it was seen during class. My phone was in my backpack unless I had free time. Then I pulled it out and hid it under my desk to play a game or text a friend. It is a form of communication and great piece of technology, but when ANYONE is free to have it in class it becomes a distraction. I don’t care how responsible your student is. My high school principal was basically an uncle and my mom and dad would have been called and he would have taken my phone. I was a pretty responsible student, but I was still a student.

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